1. Marnie was one of the first in the country to call out Monsanto for poisoning our air, land, water, and food. Marnie created the National Map of Poisoned Parks and Playgrounds showing where governments sprayed Monsanto's cancer-causing Roundup because she believes we have a right to know.
2. Cranky at the lack of progress on climate change, she wrote an early draft of the Green New Deal (she’s still cranky at the lack of progress and has a plan for Portland).
3. When Big Food hooked our kids on sugary drinks with vending machines in public schools, Marnie led – and won – fights to get them removed.
4. Fought to get a school district to change its racist, confederate name (and, yes, there were death threats).
5. Knows how to win; worked full time to elect dozens of pro-choice women across the country.
6. Brave enough to stand up to city leaders and say that sweeping homeless people is cruel and a waste of time and money.
7. She is an opinionated Jewish woman standing up and speaking out against Israel's genocide in Gaza.
8. She will fight for you in City Hall and on the streets; she’s a black belt and martial arts instructor.
9. Marnie knows that serving Portlanders means being accessible to Portlanders. Call or text anytime: 971-258-0559.
10. She is a staunch believer in the healing power of coffee, the thrill of opera-oke, and the use of Oxford commas.
These endorsers agree that she's the experienced fighter we need